Who are we?

We are a community of missionaries who take up the Lord's invitation to "go into all the world" announcing Love as a vocation of life. In the image of the Holy Family on the way, we feel called to go out into the world to give a home. Fired by the Fire of Love, we leave our homeland and set out on mission, making the Gospel our new homeland.

From the heart of every people we give ourselves and serve so that this Love reaches every corner of the earth, and especially the poor.

Community in Mission

As missionaries, we have put all our resources and goods at the service of the mission, and we have opted for a radical following of Christ through a totally different way of life. We are planning our community with an eye to the first Christian communities, which were "dynamically open and missionary".


We believe in a God who is all Love and who invites us to seal a Covenant with Him. Thus, our history can become a sacred history, the moment we allow the Lord to break into it. This mystery is the source and projection of our spirituality and missionary vocation, because the Love that we have experienced through the Covenant is what we want to announce and give to the world.