Marco's Causeway

Marco was partying with his friends and left "La Concha de la Lora" shortly before 11 pm to return home. It was still early, because the next day he had to get up early to go to the mission. This is how Marco lived and died. A young man like so many others, friends of his friends, loving, cheerful, noble, authentic, healthy and normal, very normal. But his heart was for those most in need. He had the charisma to love anyone, regardless of their condition.

Marco walked to Chinatown to catch a bus, because he was generous with others and austere with himself. He was an autonomous young man and a walker, from stop to stop, bus to bus.

Marcus' last steps were a pilgrimage towards the "martyrdom" of meekness. He offered no resistance, stood with inexplicable fortitude, looked back with eyes of mercy at his assailants, and continued on his way.

Many of us have already walked "La Calzada de Marco", we have followed his last steps, from California to Chinatown, we have made a pilgrimage to the place of his death, which today we know is an altar of Victory, because Love is always stronger, and it is the Fire that illuminates the world.

Marco is universal, and his message is addressed to all young people, to give their lives for a noble cause. Therefore, we invite you to continue walking this physical and spiritual path, it is a way to enter the path of love, joy and life. Marco enlightens us. Marco is on pilgrimage with us. Thank you Marco for opening the way for us. You have been a pioneer, you are a missionary.

Marco enlightens us. Marco is on pilgrimage with us.
Thank you Marco for opening the way for us. You have been a pioneer, you are a missionary.


Many are the people who have been touched by Marco's life, death and message, which has transcended and crossed borders. We are compiling the memories and testimonies that have impacted or changed the hearts of so many. We invite you to read some of them in this precious compilation book. However, history is still being written, so we are still adding more testimonies to this document. If you have any, please write to