
We believe in a God who is all Love and who invites us to seal a Covenant with Him. Thus, our history can become a sacred history, the moment we allow the Lord to break into it. This mystery is the source and projection of our spirituality and missionary vocation, because the Love that we have experienced through the Covenant is what we want to announce and give to the world. On the strength of this Covenant we set out on mission and we sustain it by means of 4 spiritual pillars:


We missionaries are instruments trying to carry out a work of God. Through worship we empty ourselves, and our whole physical and spiritual being is opened to God's love. We place Him at the centre of our life and mission, and place all our frailty and limitation in His hands. We praise in the spirit of the Magnificat, hand in hand with the great missionary, whose life was a continuous praise. She immerses us, through this spiritual pillar, in a covenant of love with God the Father, to whom all praise ultimately goes.



We constantly ask ourselves what the Lord wants to say to us from His Word, in a personal and down-to-earth way, and we always try to respond to His call. In this way we begin to enter into a dialogue and to have a personal relationship with Him, and we discover the infinite love that the Father has for each one of us. It is that Love that impels us to proclaim the Good News to others with enthusiasm. We do so hand in hand with Mary, who always kept and meditated on the Word of the Lord in the depths of her heart. She immerses us, through this spiritual pillar, in a Covenant of Love with Christ, the Word made flesh among us.


We believe in Divine Providence that comes to meet us every day, that guides us with love and wisdom, and requires our free cooperation to build with us. This translates into a providentialist attitude that allows us to be in constant search for God's will, gives us blind trust in moments of darkness, and propels us boldly towards the great challenges of mission. Mary is for us a perfect witness of a life given to the Will of the Father: her Fiat remains a response to the signs of the times and to the history of Salvation. Through this spiritual pillar, she immerses us in a Covenant of Love with the Holy Spirit, "Giver of Life".



The contemplative spirit makes us present in the here and now, brings us into communion with God and to walk in his presence, and helps us so that everything we do is permeated by his love. Through contemplative prayer we surrender all initiative to the Lord, and place ourselves completely at his disposal, so that he can use us as missionary instruments. Only in communion with Him can we be fruitful in mission and give His love to those most in need. Mary is for us the ideal of a contemplative life in mission. She immerses us, through this spiritual pillar, in a Covenant of Love with the One and Triune God, "communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit".


Community in Mission: Spirituality