
We join in the evangelisation strategy of Jesus of Nazareth: through radiation, service and proclamation we go out on mission to give home and light to those brothers and sisters who need it most, especially those who suffer, those who are most alone, the poor and vulnerable, those who live in darkness and those who have no faith.

In this way we contribute to the construction of a Church Family so that, in the image of Nazareth, it can be a a home among the most in-need and a Fire for the World..

We give ourselves so that each family may be a small Church, and the Church a big family. Our homes, as domestic Churches, are a center of mission, from where a concrete family ministry unfolds. We begin to evangelize in the family by welcoming and giving Love to others.

The Community in Mission forms, in turn, an extended family that with great love radiates, serves and announces the Good News to all, so that many may come to know Love through a family experience. As missionary instruments, we want to help build a "Church on the move" towards the "human peripheries", in other words, a Church Family which, in the image of Nazareth, is a home among the most in-need and a Fire for the World.

  • Radiation

    We live and share with the people of the mission area, to radiate the fire of God's love from everyday life.

    (Lk 9:4, Lk 9:4, Mt 9:10-11, Lk 19:5)

  • Service

    As the face of love is service, we give ourselves to the poorest of the poor by attending to their material and spiritual needs.

    (Lk 9:1, Mk 16:17-18, Gal 2:10)

  • Proclamation

    Influenced by this love, we travel through streets, towns and cities, and carry out pastoral activities to proclaim the Good News that is the Love of the Father.

    (Mk 16:15)