As the face of love is service, we give ourselves to the poorest of the poor by attending to their material and spiritual needs.

(Lk 9:1, Mk 16:17-18, Gal 2:10)



The proclamation of the Good News is always accompanied by attention to the most vulnerable and by a true human and integral promotion.

The face of love is service, which takes the form of giving of ourselves to the most in-need with work aimed at healing the wounds and addressing the needs of people and communities in the mission territory.

  • 1 Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority to cast out all kinds of demons and to cure diseases.

  • 17 And these wonders will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name and speak with new tongues;

    18 they may take snakes with their hands, and if they drink deadly poison it will do them no harm; they will lay hands on the sick and heal them."

  • 10 They only recommended that we remember the poor, which I have always tried to do.