Love is the Fire that illuminates the World

Ignis Mundi Missionary Family

  • Who are we?

    We are a missionary community that has assumed the Lord's invitation to "go into all the world" announcing Love as a vocation of life.

  • Our Mission

    We go out on mission to give home and light to those brothers and sisters who need it most, especially those who suffer, those who are most alone, the poor and vulnerable, those who live in darkness and those who have no faith.

  • Fire for the World

    Ignis Mundi is a point of radiation of beauty, fruitfulness and hope; it is a space of formation and service to the most in-need; a place where Love is announced and a home is found; it is a green enclave in a densely populated area; a joyful and safe recreation area for young people, children and families in vulnerable areas; it is a community that welcomes, serves and is consumed by its neighbour to the extreme.

Ignis Mundi, Fire for the World.


